Top 10 Reasons Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs
Although I am a cat person, I have a deep affection for dogs. The classic “enemy” of the pet industry are dogs and cats, and pet parents sometimes find themselves drawn into the controversy. They will start fighting like, well, cats and dogs if you ask them which pet is better, cats or dogs. There are undoubtedly advantages (backed by Science)to owning a cat over having a dog. Here are the top 10 Reasons Why cats are better than dogs.
10 Reasons Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs
- Cats are affordable
- cats are good for your health.
- kittens are easier than puppies
- Cats are clean
- Cats take up less space
- Cats are quit
- Cats create less mess
- Cats are easy to potty train
- Cats don’t need walks
Cats are more Environmentally Friendly than Dogs.
I want to share some studies on how cats are environmentally friendly.
A 2009 study from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand found that the carbon footprint of a pet dog is twice that of a typical SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle).
An average-sized cat can produce 310 CO2e every year. Larger dogs may produce up to 2,500 kg of CO2, while medium-sized dogs produce 770 kg. The resources needed to feed a dog for its lifetime are equivalent to the environmental effect of a car!
Because of their smaller size and different nutritional needs, cats frequently have a lower carbon footprint than dogs, according to research published in PLOS ONE (Environmental effect -2023).
Cats are Great for Your Health
A 2009 study in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology found that cat owners had a lower risk of death from heart attacks and strokes compared to people who didn’t own cats.
Researchers also found that a cat’s purr is at a frequency that can help heal bones and muscles. It’s like living with a small, furry savior! How cool is that?
A study in Anthrozoos (Owner personality traits -2022) found that cat owners scored higher in openness and neuroticism compared to dog owners, while dog owners scored higher in extraversion, conscientiousness, and agreeableness.
Research published in Clinical & Experimental Allergy found that early exposure to cats but not dogs was associated with a decreased risk of developing allergies later in life.
Independence and care needs:
Are cats low maintenance? Yes. Based on behavioral studies, Cats are independent and require less companionship than dogs. But it’s important to note that individual animals may vary greatly. Dogs demand outdoor activities and walk every day. Cats don’t need you all the time. Cats are super chill. You can leave them alone for hours, and they’ll play alone. Dogs need consistent attention. If you’re a busy guy, then it will be hard for you to fulfill your dog’s demands.
Cats are way cleaner
Cats are low-maintenance geniuses. Scientists discovered that cats can pretty much take care of themselves. Cats spend between 30% and 50% of their waking hours grooming themselves, according to the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. On the other hand, do not actually “groom” themselves. They don’t come in from outside, all muddy and gross. They clean themselves! How cool is that?
On the other hand, dogs lick themselves, but not for the same reasons. Additionally, a cat’s tongue is not as same as a dog’s. The hundreds of papillae on a cat’s tongue are barbed and have a sandpaper-like texture. A dog lacks this innate aptitude, yet these white keratin protein spines help remove loose hair, dry skin, debris, and dirt from the fur. Cats can eliminate these odor-causing particles, which is another reason why dogs may smell more than cats.
Dogs may even bring in pests and make the flooring and furniture wet after going outside in the rain. Dogs roll around in the mud and then track in it. Often, owners have to clean up after them.
Around 50% of the bacteria found in dogs’ mouths are also present in cats’ mouths. However, cats have only about 200 types of bacteria, compared to the 600 found in dogs. This makes cats, in fact, cleaner than dogs.
Cats Don’t Jump All Over You
Dogs become very enthusiastic when they see people. A dog jumping on you to greet you can be cute, but after a while, it can become unpleasant. Dogs would wake their owners up early. No cat would. And if a cat did, it would be in a serene way rather than enthusiastically and hurriedly that a dog would. Thanks to their quiet nature, pet owners can enjoy a peaceful home without the howling, barking, or whining. Instead, they create a calm atmosphere with their gentle purring and soft meows.
Dog Attacks are Much More Violent than Cat Attacks
Dogs are more dangerous than cats because they bite harder and more often. Almost all pet-related deaths are from dogs, not cats or other animals. Each year, there are about 4.5 million dog bites in the United States, compared to 400,000 cat bites. In the United States, dog bites make up 85 to 90% of all animal bites, occurring at a rate of 103 to 118 per 100,000 people; no single dog breed is typically to blame. Over the past 20 years, the majority of dog bite deaths have been caused by pit bulls and Rottweilers.
Children make up the majority of dog bite victims, and the head and neck are typically bitten. Bite wounds on the extremities are more common in adults and adolescents. About 50% of bites are self-reported as unprovoked, and over 70% are from dogs the victim knows.
Cats are often seen as mean because of their scratching, but it’s usually when they feel uncomfortable or someone pushes their boundaries. Many people prefer dogs because they seem more open and friendly from the start, but to me, that makes cats even more lovable.
Cats are Great Hunters
Cats are natural hunters, so it’s in their nature to stalk, chase, and pounce on prey—even if it’s just on the TV. It would be best to never let your cat eat any bugs or mice they catch, as it can make them sick, but having a cat keeps your home pest-free. And the mere presence of your cat’s scent can deter rodents—if they sense a hunter in the house, they’re much less likely to come in.
Dogs aren’t as instinctive hunters of small prey like mice as cats are. But some breeds, particularly terriers, are good at hunting and catching rodents. They were bred for that purpose. In general, dogs are less likely to catch mice because they’re noisier and less stealthy than cats
Litter Box Duties
Cats naturally know how to use a litter box, as it’s an instinct they’ve evolved, much like grooming themselves. It’s a trait ingrained in their genes. Dogs didn’t develop this behavior. This difference might be because cats are solitary creatures, whereas dogs typically live in packs.
Cats are Perfect for Small Spaces
Cats are happy in small spaces. They don’t need a lot of room, and because they’re quiet, they won’t bother your neighbors. Since they use litter boxes, they don’t need a backyard or a balcony either. Dogs need a lot of space because they’re bigger, love to stretch out, and need room to play and exercise. Plus, their stuff, like dog beds and toys, takes up space too, so they need plenty of room to be happy and healthy. As long as you have their essentials, like litter boxes (one for each cat plus an extra) and their food and water dishes, your cat will be just fine and happy.
Cats Vs Dogs: Cost
Are cats more affordable than dogs? Yes. Cats usually cost less to buy than dogs, whether you get them from a breeder or adopt them from a shelter unless they’re a rare or fancy breed. The ASPCA figured out that in the first year, having a dog costs $3,221, but having a cat is cheaper, at only $1,904.
Cats are also cheaper to take care of in the long run. Dogs are bigger, so they eat more food, which makes their food bills higher. Cats don’t eat as much and can even catch mice to help with their food.
Cats are more mysterious, and dogs are super easy to understand. A dog is always so happy to see you coming back home. The cats, though, are just chilling, probably thinking about why I’m so hyper. You have to read a lot to get cats, but dogs are just obvious. I love them both for being so different.